Advertising SYBMS Sem 3 Manan Prakashan
- Publisher : Manan Prakashan
- Author: Dr. Ritu Vashisht, Shalini Padhi
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Advertising Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai University for BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) 2nd Year semester 4 published by Manan Prakashan. The knowledge gained through the study of this subject will be useful to the students of all through their in Management professional lives.
Syllabus1. Introduction to Advertising (15 Lec.)
♦ Definition, Evolution of Advertising, Importance, Scope, Features, Benefits, Five M’s of Advertising
♦ Types of Advertising – Consumer advertising, industrial advertising, institutional advertising, classified advertising, national advertising, generic advertising
♦ Theories of Advertising : Stimulus Theory, AIDA, Hierarchy Effects Model, Means – End Theory, Visual Verbal Imaging, Cognitive Dissonance
♦ Ethics and Laws in Advertising : Puffery, Shock Ads, Subliminal Advertising, Weasel Claim, Surrogate Advertising, Comparative Advertising Code of Ethics, Regulatory Bodies, Laws and Regulation – CSR, Public Service Advertising, Corporate Advertising, Advocacy Advertising
♦ Social, cultural and Economic Impact of Advertising, the impact of ads on Kids, Women and Advertising2. Strategy and Planning Process in Advertising (15 Lec.)
♦ Advertising Planning Process & Strategy : Introduction to Marketing Plan, Advertising Plan – Background, situational analysis related to Advertising issues, Marketing Objectives, Advertising Objectives, Target Audience, Brand Positioning (equity, image personality), Creative Strategy, message strategy, media strategy, Integration of advertising with other communication tools
♦ Role of Advertising in Marketing Mix : Product planning, product brand policy, price, packaging, distribution, Elements of Promotion, Role of Advertising in PLC
♦ Advertising Agencies – Functions – Structure – Types – Selection criteria for Advertising Agency – Maintaining Agency – Client Relationship, Agency Compensation3. Creativity in Advertising (15 Lec.)
♦ Introduction to Creativity – definition, importance, creative process, Creative strategy development – Advertising Campaign – determining the message theme/major selling ideas – introduction to USP – positioning strategies – persuasion and types of advertising appeals – role of source in ads and celebrities as source in Indian ads – execution styles of presenting ads.
♦ Role of different elements of ads – logo, company signature, slogan, tagline, jingle, illustrations, etc.
♦ Creating the TV commercial – Visual Techniques, Writing script, developing storyboard, other elements (Optical, Soundtrack, Music)
♦ Creating Radio Commercial – words, sound, music – scriptwriting the commercial – clarity, coherence, pleasantness, believability, interest, distinctiveness
♦ Copywriting: Elements of Advertisement copy – Headline, sub-headline, Layout, Body copy, slogans. Signature, closing idea, Principles of Copywriting for print, OOH, essentials of good copy, Types of Copy, Copy Research4. Budget, Evaluation, Current Trends and Careers in Advertising (15 Lec.)
♦ Advertising Budget – Definition of Advertising Budget, Features, Methods of Budgeting
♦ Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness – Pre-testing and Post testing Objectives, Testing process for Advertising effectiveness, Methods of Pre-testing and Post-testing, Concept testing v/s Copy testing
♦ Current Trends in Advertising : Rural and Urban Advertising, Digital Advertising, Content Marketing (Advertorials), retail advertising, lifestyle advertising, Ambush Advertising, Global Advertising – scope and challenges – current global trends
♦ Careers in Advertising : careers in Media and supporting firms, freelancing options for career in advertising, role of Advertising Account Executives, campaign Agency family tree – topmost advertising agencies and the famous advertisements designed by them
Tags: Advertising, BMS, Manan Prakashan